Complaints, Incidents & Adult Protection
Resolving difficult complaints and assisting with serious issues such as Coroner’s Inquests and Adult Protection Alerts. We can provide support in the following areas:
With considerable experience in dealing with difficult complaints from residents and families, Aurora can assist in negotiating a resolution, including undertaking independent investigations, meeting with complainants and regulators, and drafting correspondence.
Assisting owners and managers with adult protection issues. This includes assisting homes to overcome constraints applied through Adult Protection activity. These constraints usually include lengthy suspensions of Social Services contracts.
Untoward Incidents: We can assist in investigating the causes, and identify how to manage risks effectively.
Assisting homes with Coroner’s inquests and legal proceedings. This has included attendance at inquests assisting Counsel to present cases.
Our team of experts is ready to help you develop strategies for not only surviving, but thriving in the future.
Give us a call today to set up your first consultation
0191 - 580 - 0850